Monday, 28 February 2011

new fanfic

well i got very bored with my old fan fic so I'm going to start afresh. here are some of my new characters (agreed some i have done before) .
sorry its upside down cant turn it around. this pic was done by my friend Alisha i promised to included her in the copyright she also came up with the name 'Ebony Black'.

if you want to be in my next story please comment and if no won comments i will take characters from bio-Rama.


Sunday, 27 February 2011

someones oc

name: unknown yet
power: necromancer
personality: weird and very crazy she often stairs in to space and thinks. her eyes go completely black when shes angry and also when people call her nymphadora.
age: 80 looks 16
gender: female
hair: Very long blond hair tied with a ribbon which she can use to trip and tie people up.
Eyes: Changes colour depending on her mood
Wears: black leather top which is very tight and white ribbon ties at the back. black and white checked minnie skirt. knee high black boots with white laces. she also has a sword strapped to her back in a scabbard.
Nationality: she is from portsmouth.
Family: her farther left when she was 2 her younger sister is a trained assassin and her mum is now dead.
Weapons: her sword a glove with spikes (which is also her necromancer tool) and her wit.
Other Skills: martial arts and making her friends annoyed.
Mode of transportation: her black and white motorcycle.
Phrase: 'come on i don't have all day you know'  
good\bad: she was bad but now she's good


I just wanted to say thank you to Lizzy the lovely un-dead vampire writer for saying i could be on bio-rama thanks XD.

story 3

The car journey had been torture for Ocean, listening to nymph prattle on about how to kill in the most time efficient way. Ocean sighed with a mixture of apprehension and annoyance.
“What’s up” said Kira next to her “your not depressed again are you?”
“No” Ocean muttered “its just I’m so board, how long is it till we get there”
“Two seconds” said Tiger that was driving. Prissily two seconds later the car stopped and they all got out.
“Nice timing” said Nymph impressed
“Well you know…” she was about to finish her sentence when Jack Silvertong jumped off the roof of the car and landed gracefully. “Jack if you have made such as one scratch a millimeter long on my car I will gouge your eyes out and feed them to a banshee” yelled Tiger
“Don’t worry I haven’t laid a finger on it”
“Yes you have you jumped of it”
“Sorry can I rephrase that”
“Well aright then” he shifted his gaze to Nymph “ well I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure” he said and sidled up to Nymph. “I think I would have remembered,” she said and shock his hand Ivan walked down towards them his red top matched the red highlights in his hair. He shot a glare at Jack who backed away from Nymph and went to see Ocean and Kira. Who he greeted and then scuttled off.

Tuesday, 22 February 2011


Fish: "Add a touch of nature to your page with these hungry little fish. Watch them as they follow your mouse hoping you will feed them by clicking the surface of the water."


Saturday, 19 February 2011


my next story enjoy!!!
Tiger was running the length of the wall that connected nymphs house with her neighbors. She moved with unnerving gracefulness along the wall. She got to the end and jumped through the window swiftly followed by Ocean. Tiger rubbed her thumb and index finger together and created a spark, which then turned in to a flame illuminating the room. Next to the bed was a cocoon of ice containing nymph. Tiger held the flame next to it and heat intensified and melted the ice, which then flowed in to ocean so the floor would not get wet.

All the ice had gone leaving just nymph in her short white dress and white boots. She opened her eyes.
“Why did you wake me up Tiger” she yelled and flung an icicle strait at her. She dogged and through a fireball at Nymph it almost hit her when Ocean stepped between them and snuffed out the fire with a torrent of water that be fore it hit the ground turned in to a block of ice.
“STOP,” cried ocean “this is futile we have a zombie hoard to face and were fighting each other.”
“She’s right,” said Kira floating through the window. She landed gracefully and continued “are you all ready the cars out side” every one nodded and one by one they jumped out the window.  

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

story 1

Nimph stood on the rooftop. Searching the ground for anything unusual. Her hair played across her face, in a light breeze. “Hello Kira”, she said, without turning. Kira moved into her line of vision. “Why do you always spoil the surprise”, said Kira with annoyance? “It’s not a surprise if I know you’re there”. Kira shrugged, “Why are you here anyway”, Nymph enquired?  “As you probably know,”
“Yes”, Nymph nodded.
“Tomorrow we are supposed to be warding off an angry hoard of Zombies, so I just wanted to say, good luck.”
“Is that all?”
“You’re sure?”
“Yes, how many times do I have to tell you?”
“Only twice,” she said. Kira could detect a hint of good humour in her words. Nymph nodded goodbye and Kira was carried on the wind, off the roof and out of her vision where she could be seen no longer nymph jumped and flipped of the roof and through her open window. She got dressed and slowly put her heads together on con tacked a cocoon of ice spread along her body. She fell asleep and dreamed of the fight, which was to come.

hi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! random pic..