Saturday, 19 February 2011


my next story enjoy!!!
Tiger was running the length of the wall that connected nymphs house with her neighbors. She moved with unnerving gracefulness along the wall. She got to the end and jumped through the window swiftly followed by Ocean. Tiger rubbed her thumb and index finger together and created a spark, which then turned in to a flame illuminating the room. Next to the bed was a cocoon of ice containing nymph. Tiger held the flame next to it and heat intensified and melted the ice, which then flowed in to ocean so the floor would not get wet.

All the ice had gone leaving just nymph in her short white dress and white boots. She opened her eyes.
“Why did you wake me up Tiger” she yelled and flung an icicle strait at her. She dogged and through a fireball at Nymph it almost hit her when Ocean stepped between them and snuffed out the fire with a torrent of water that be fore it hit the ground turned in to a block of ice.
“STOP,” cried ocean “this is futile we have a zombie hoard to face and were fighting each other.”
“She’s right,” said Kira floating through the window. She landed gracefully and continued “are you all ready the cars out side” every one nodded and one by one they jumped out the window.  

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